Authentic French Crepes - Tips to Make Tasty Crepes at Home

Thin, crispy and golden; making the perfect crepe is an art in itself. After having tasted authentic crepes from the streets of Paris or in any good crepe restaurants, it can be disappointing to try to duplicate the same magical taste at home. Even though the recipe might seem easy to follow, the ending product is usually too thick, too runny or with a dull taste.

Combining the right recipe with the right tool is the ubiquitous problem in the process of crepe making. And having grown up in France, I have had my fair share of failures before I started to master, not only the recipe, but also the cooking of the crepes. And we will see that both are crucial for best results.

First of all, the recipe needs to have the right amount of each ingredient in order to turn out with the right texture. Most of the recipes will require flour, salt, milk and eggs. Even though the amount of eggs will depend on the specific taste of each person, the most important aspect of the recipe is its texture. So, for a more golden crepe you will use one or even two more eggs, but this will mean that less milk will be required. The ending texture should be runny enough to be spread throughout the entire pan or griddle, with one medium ladle. This part will require some trial and error, but luckily you can always add more flour to make it thicker or more milk to make it more liquid.

As for the tool to use, the more traditional way is to use a pan to be able to flip the crepes. But for the best results, choosing an electric crepe maker is a better solution. You can use the wooden spreader in order to imitate the professionals and make sure that the crepe is as thin as desired. Also, the temperature is ideal and constant to make sure that the crepe is cooked evenly.

Source: EzineArticles